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Definitions of Hearing Status

Deaf - Students usually have a severe to profound hearing loss and ordinarily communicate via sign language.

Definition of "Deaf" by the Canadian Association of the Deaf

Hard of hearing - Students usually have a mild to profound hearing loss but use speech as their primary mode of communication.

Pre-Lingual vs. Post-Lingual Deafness
Pre-Lingual Deafness - Students who become deafened before acquiring verbal language:

  • English is a second language
  • May have acquired manual communication when very young
  • May not have acquired language until late in life
  • Have not heard common sounds (tone of voice, a phone ring etc).

Post-Lingual Deafness - Students who become deafened after acquiring language. Students usually have:

  • A better knowledge base
  • Better speech
  • Better written communication

Types of Hearing Loss

  1. Conductive: occurs when a barrier to sound is present in the outer or middle ear. This type of hearing loss is often treatable medically
  2. Sensorineural: some sounds may be heard while others are not; usually there is no medical treatment for this type of hearing loss.
  3. Central: damage to the brain precludes processing of auditory stimuli.
  4. Mixed: is a combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.

What is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is a ringing or buzzing in the ear that interferes with hearing and is a symptom of other disorders (e.g., cardiovascular, thyroid, head injury). Tobacco, caffeine and salt can also contribute to tinnitus.
For more information about more detailed definitions, please visit the glossary of terms from the Canadian Hearing Services organization.