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Possible Communication Barriers in the Classroom

Equal participation and access to various classroom environments can include communication and access barriers to students who are Deaf, hard of hearing or DeafBlind. Many of the barriers relate to the accessibility of environments, access to and availability of services providers such as interpretation or transcribing as well as exam accommodations that mirror their access to classroom education.

With the switch to online learning, students who may have managed with minimal accessibility supports with assistive listening devices, preferential seating or interpreting services are now in need of communication access supports. Those who used these services previously are also finding the barriers amplified and challenging in this new world of online learning with synchronous and asynchronous access variable platforms.

You can explore teaching tools that enhance access for students in their classrooms; and staff who interact with students. For faculty professional development ACE-BC offers a variety of workshops for faculty including:

  • Access rights and responsibilities
  • Accommodation planning
  • Classroom strategies to support access for Deaf, hard of hearing and DeafBlind students

Check out a universal design approach to teaching that benefits all students.

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